Estados Unidos
Número Anuncio: 5836118
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 24-08-2012
Categoría:  Inmuebles > Compra/Venta > Apartamentos
Luxury apartments in Monterrey. Excellent investment. Sources born with characteristics that make it unique; view, location in a residential area with a traditional fitness spaces and landscaping. The project creates an ideal habitat for living, both inside units with panoramic views of the Sierra Madre and the city of Monterrey. The coexistence and social interaction extends to common areas, such as concourses, pool, vitapista, lounges and balconies. It's like living in a holiday resort in the heart of the city. Call us for an appointment without obligation. Office. 0181 83407073

Luxury apartments in Monterrey Excellent inv - Imagen 1 Luxury apartments in Monterrey Excellent inv - Imagen 2 Luxury apartments in Monterrey Excellent inv - Imagen 3

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